Many are thinking what is going to be staffing industry trend in 2022. Two factors will shape IT staffing trends this year. Let us examine the same.
What shapes talent hunt?
First of all, it is digital acceleration. Digitisation has been in businesses and it became a powerful force since the pandemic. Mega corporations want to increase their profits. To realise the profit, the best way is to outsource the talent. If one country thinks about the betterment of its citizens and take actions like protectionism, then the companies have their smart ways to bypass it. To be specific, they will take recourse to VR technologies, remote recruiting, taking advantage of gig workers to meet their talent requirements. When firms choose that route governments cannot stop it as it is not in their command to stop it.
IDC white paper 2021, tells about the requirement of occupational skills, specific digital skills to determine hiring in Asia Pacific regions like India. The emerging scenario is war for tech talent driven by IT firms to meet global demand, according to Ramesh Krishnamurthy, COO, Indium Software.
Firms need more talent for automation
Digital acceleration is the process of digitization by automating processes, data visualization, working with ML, AI etc. As the pandemic disrupted the way of work, digital first business models and a shift to cloud-native operations takes place according to Gartner. The research also about the pace of automation forcing businesses to implement fully automated value chains. Automation needs AI, ML, and Robotics, therefore, a requirement for such talent to fill the gaps.
Anytime, anywhere approach needed
The latest trend as per the information of Bloomberg is US workers quit instead of giving up work from home. According to talent shortage survey the US faces immense talent crisis where 69% of firms revealed about the difficulty in hiring. All these indicate one thing the necessity to source talent through omni-channels locally or globally. Secondly, to source talent from anywhere, anytime through virtual means.
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